Saturday, January 24, 2009

First assignment of the new year: death penalty

So as the title says, our first assignment in Illustration 4 was to write out our opinion on capital punishment. Then we had to create an illustration conveying our message. Mine was complicated, but I narrowed it down to the position that it is right for the U.S. because of how our flawed law system lets out too many dangerous people.
Just another version of "American justice." And of course neither one of these are completed pieces. At our next meeting, the class will pick which they feel is stronger, and I will take that one to completion.

I'm also taking Color Studies this semester. The instructor pointed out that the class isn't called "Color Theory" because we aren't theorizing about colors; we're using them.

Our first task was to come up with some simple compositional ideas that could be turned into a motif to be used through the rest of the semester. My idea is to utilize quadrilaterals of different kinds.

In the words of Marty Stouffer, "Until next time, America."