Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So this is the latest in the Muffin Stop development. It's inspired by band posters of yesteryear.

My new internship "assignment" is to come up with a logo for myself. Currently my ideas have focused on my name, more specifically my initials.

Here's some Adobe sketches for my personal logo. The smaller ones on the right side of the page show the progression I made from earliest to latest.

My finals for my stamp project. They were painted in acrylic, and the text was added in Adobe Illustrator.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Here's the next development in the Muffin project. The client wants a more playful, less representational drawing, however.
These are thumbs and sketches for our stamp project. We are doing a series of four.

These guys are sketches for the accompanying paintings in the Baker's Dozen t-shirt contest (the shirts are posted on my last blog). I've done the paintings and had them photographed, but I'll have to post them next time.
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Or if you prefer, Singles Awareness Day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mind maps, t-shirts

These little sketches are known as mind maps, which incorporate both note-taking and sketching.

Our next assignment in Illustration is to create a set of four postage stamps. The art on them must relate to a culture that has been integrated into our own. I chose Mexico, and I plan on having one stamp each for salsa dancing, Mexican food, art, and chihuahuas.

Once again, I'm doing a t-shirt design for my Internship. I need to create a painting to go with each shirt. The painting cannot be the same design as the shirt, but it still has to relate in some way. They're my entries to the Baker's Dozen sponsored contest, so I think I'll get back to work on them soon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The beginning of my designing

For my internship, I've been altering a couple of logo designs that my employer created. These are just the beginning, because I don't have much experience yet.

The above is for a girdle-type thing and below is for a BBQ sauce.

This is a sketch for my death penalty piece. Sorry about the orientation; I didn't catch it until it was too late.

This is a bad photo of the final piece. It was done in gouache, and I used a lot of photo reference for it. I hope to get a scan of it soon.

I'm also in Design 2, but it's very difficult for me, so I haven't posted anything from that class yet. I'll be putting up more of my Color Studies soon.

Until next time,