Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Something old, something new

So I'm putting up some pretty old work. Below is a multimedia painting I did in Painting I. The purple cloth is actual cloth; the duck is yellow shopping bag; the white cloth is newspaper. Not my best work, but I like the composition.

A cutout I painted for prom '06, with assistance from some of my high school friends. My darling sister is the head. It's house paint and glitter on wood panel.

Put together this managarie of different views of the same piece, a ceramic Egyptian pyramid. I formed it using slabs, so it is hollow inside. The hole through the eye is a real hole, and the piece was raku-fired. I don't remember which glaze, but I'm sure it musta been fairly common if our high school purchased some.

But of course, I have some new projects, too. My darling cousin commissioned this painting of her guitar. Her goal was to have a piece to add to the rock'n'roll theme of her apartment decor.

I found it very challenging to complete, since the reference photo I was using showed the guitar from a three-quarters angle. Another challenge was the unusual dimensions of the canvas; I had to paint the guitar in such a manner that it would fill the picture space without seeming terribly out of proportion. Despite my artistic angst and agitation, my cousin loved it, and it worked out nicely in the end.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's me again

An old self-portrait of mine. First I used a jigsaw to cut a piece of thin paneling into the general shape I wanted. Next, I painted in color blocks, one for the face, one for the hair, and so on. Using chalk pastels, I did all the details (like facial features), shading, and highlighting.

More work to come.

Monday, June 28, 2010


This is my second most recent commish, a pet portrait. The final piece is 8" x 10," acrylic on canvas.

Will try to post most recent work tomorrow. Yay!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Gosh, a month since I've posted anything?! This will not do.

The next in my book genre series is historical romance. My client asked me to base these characters on Gone with the Wind, so I gave them a historical look without directly copying Miss Scarlett and Rhett.

And then there's this. My obsession with CSI: Miami has not receded. For the background, I used a photo from the net, credit to its photographer. The only part I'm not pleased with is the flashy text. The bottom blue causes the letters to blur into the beach a little too much.