Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mystery and horror!

This is a personal piece. Well, I sorta painted it for my husband. It's a megalodon attacking an Ohio-class submarine. It's loosely based on a Steve Alten book. Acrylic on panel.

In my internet book-publishing series, I did a Sherlock Holmes-influenced icon for the mystery genre.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mermaid ahoy

Earlier this week I started on a self-promotional piece for my husband to take to work. Using my papercraft skills, I designed a holder for my business cards. The holder can be pinned to a bulletin board, so potential clients can see the some of my art on display and grab a card.

First, the sketch. I though a mermaid would go along with a nautical theme, since it's going to be displayed on a naval base.

Next, I refined and inked the drawing portion. Because the audience will be mostly male, the mermaid faces forward, giving her a pin-up flare.

After hours of Photoshop, I take the colored piece and add the tag line and simple papercraft bottom.

Then I make the seaweed which will fit over the papercraft pocket, effectively hiding it while adding dimension to the work.

The finished piece. My only concern is that the tail color and seaweed color turned out very similar, but overall I'm pleased with it. Now all that's left is to post it and wait. Well, that and make more art.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tribal tattoo writing

A tattoo design commish. My client wanted a Greek phrase in a font that imitated tribal-style tattoos. I forget the exact translation, but it's something like, "without pain there is no growth." I think it turned out very nicely, especially since I don't do a lot of lettering.

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