Monday, September 29, 2008

NPDA continued...

These are my swallow heads from scratch to more refined. The last one will also probably need some fine tuning before the final print. I draw the birds and my design partner sticks 'em on the poster, a great division of labor.

I also did a four-page comic for Illustrated Story 2.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

National Portfolio Day Association poster

Erg. I would have pictures of my upcoming project, but apparently blogger doesn't accept pdf format. I will keep this in mind next time.

Anyway, I'm in a three-person group working on a poster entry for the National Portfolio Day Association. Right now I have several rough illustrations that will be used in five mock-up posters, and one will be chosen for my group to take to finish. I would have posted them, except I only scanned them in pdfs. However, I do hope to post them possibly in the near future, if I get a chance to change their format.

Our group is leaning toward a concept involving swallows and their migration patterns. The design will incorperate all of our best skills, and it is probably our strongest concept, as well. I will post the chosen design.

Until next time, America.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


A color sketch for my t-shirt, then what I did with the extra paint.

I'd like to post some of my other work, like from my computer graphics class, but I'm struggling with my older version of Adobe. I'll try and figure it out later.

For now, courage.

I also hope to post some comics soon.

Monday, September 8, 2008

T-shirt winners (sort of)

Here are my final three designs. From here, I'll pick one to recreate in Illustrator. I've chosen the chicken one, a bit from a comic I did last semester. The greatest thing about it is that it needs no text and no explanation. Well, maybe.

The other two are good, but they don't hold the same charm as the chicken. Now all I have to do is come up with the chicken's color scheme.