Saturday, September 20, 2008

National Portfolio Day Association poster

Erg. I would have pictures of my upcoming project, but apparently blogger doesn't accept pdf format. I will keep this in mind next time.

Anyway, I'm in a three-person group working on a poster entry for the National Portfolio Day Association. Right now I have several rough illustrations that will be used in five mock-up posters, and one will be chosen for my group to take to finish. I would have posted them, except I only scanned them in pdfs. However, I do hope to post them possibly in the near future, if I get a chance to change their format.

Our group is leaning toward a concept involving swallows and their migration patterns. The design will incorperate all of our best skills, and it is probably our strongest concept, as well. I will post the chosen design.

Until next time, America.

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