Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The International

Our latest assignment in illustration is to see a recent movie and create an illustration that conveys what the movie is about. It also has to include a celebrity's portrait or caricature. I picked The International, with Clive Owen and Naomi Watts. It's a pretty good movie, even if Watt's character is completely pointless. That's why she didn't make it into my art. This sketch will be blown up to 10" x 14" and transferred to a art stock, on which I'll paint the final version.

These are more ideas for my personal logo. My internship boss asked me to pick a word that fits my personality and portray it as sort of "my own company" logo.

He also advised me to take some photos and experiment in Photoshop to see what I could do. I took an old picture of one of my family's chickens, and I gave her two heads. Then I used both Photoshop and Illustrator to create different versions and effects.

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