Sunday, August 30, 2009

Post 2: Prefered Pieces

Out of all the art I've made the piece above is one of my favorites. I had fun during the entire process of designing these stamps for my illustration class. It's also the first time that I've created separate pieces with the intent to put them together later. Every part of it turned out the way I envisioned it!

This is a scratchboard piece, an illustration for the Arabian Nights tale "Sinbad." Everyone who has ever seen this drawing has loved it, and it's certainly another personal favorite. One of the reasons people enjoy it is its level of detail and loving craftsmanship that I put into it.

This informational page I made in Intro to Computer Graphics is one of my most surprising works. Ordinarily, I feel I'm a mediocre graphic designer at best, and I was extremely happy when this page was so well received by my teacher and my class.

Thumbnails are very important to me, and that importance lends itself to a certain level of beauty. This is page 9 of my upcoming comic "The Nine," a sort of suspense story about a hotel in Ukraine.

A sketch of my hubby, asleep. After all, he was my model first. I like this doodle for its line quality.

This lady is a drawing for a logo project that I worked on under the direction of Tom Martin. I love its simplicity.

Who doesn't love a cartoon chicken? Reminds me of old timey comics and cartoons.

The story behind this very angry woman? I was bored one evening on the farm, so I thought to myself, Hmm, I feel like drawing an amazon in a heroic pose! So I did. Maybe I might make a finished piece out of it a little later. By the way, I do not endorse militant feminism, so don't go there with this little sketch.

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