Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wrapping Up my Schooling

Lately I've been trying to gather jobs and commissions. I was contacted by a man who liked some of my work at the Holiday Bazaar, but he wasn't able to snatch them up in time. Instead, he asked me to recreate Couch Dogger. Following are the original and the duplicate, in that order. Proportions on screen are not true to reality, as the second painting's cradle was slightly smaller.

I mailed my promotional pieces on Thursday, the 17th. In the upper left is the inside of the envelope; in the upper right is the outside back of the envelope; below those are my art cards and response card. The critique was good, and there were only a few minor problems with the packet.

The cover for my Christmas cards, colored in Photoshop.

Second finished mural at Poplar Point.

After classes ended, I made some more panels in the shop, so look forward to some paintings. Joel suggested that I start on another comic while my chops are up. I also need to clean up the photos of my colored pages, get some good text for them, and send it to Lulu or Blurb for its very first printing ever.

I suppose it still hasn't fully dawned on me that I am done with school. I feel confident that whatever I choose will work out, but at the same time, I am nervous. Everything works out though, and God watches over people. And on a side note, I hope people really think about the true reason for the season, rather than running each other over, looking for the last Gator Golf. Sorry, you'll have to forgive my cynicism.

Have a safe and merry Christmas, everyone!

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