Friday, April 2, 2010

La Luna fortuna!

So I've been doing a lot of work on La Luna's mural. The first two pictures will have to be full-view to see my sketching, but it's there. Just like my murals at Poplar Point, I gridded out my sketch, then gridded out the wall proportionally. Next, just like a kid's coloring book, I copy the line work from square to square.

To make the marks on the wall, I used the cheap and efficient China marker, a.k.a. crayon pencil. Actually, I wasn't sure how that would stick, but it performed very well. The wax stuck to the stucco, and it is weather-resistant.

I would make more progress, but I'm also working full-time at the chicken plant. Gotta pay the bills before my student loans catch up to me. Still, this is an awesome project, and the Carroll County News is going to have a short article on my work. That means great advertisement for me and the restaurant. Everybody wins!

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