Thursday, September 30, 2010

New tat for moi?

Saw this design in a magazine (upper left), so I conjured up my own version. It'd be placed the same way on the legs. Still not sure if I'll actually go through with it, as my husband doesn't think it's that cool. I have other ideas, so I can part with this pretty easy.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Flash Mania

These are my designs! Yay! My tattoo teachers have critiqued my work. Some of these might change a little, especially if someone choses them to actually put them on their skin. Next week I should be practicing on fake skin; I've heard it's like rubber.

Above: This one had the most criticism, so I hope to redo it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Own Flash

Finally, I'm starting to draw my own designs. This is sort of a revised version of my previous zombie heart. The new one is clearer, with higher contrast.

Really felt like doing a Western cow skull with a rose. Don't know why. Also, I tried to use colors found in sunsets, like the blue shading and the orange rose.

For this heart, I knew that I wanted to do something with flames. So I started brainstorming and doodling. The idea came to me that I could do a purification fire-thingy symbolizing the power of Jesus. His love, the blue flames burn away the black sin on the heart, revealing his forgiveness and mercy--the white cross.

All these babies were done with Prismacolor pencils, tech pens, Sharpie. Not endorsement, just fyi.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Knotty, knotty

Bought one of those paper mache skulls at Michael's for $2 and painted it up like a sugar skull. It was a fun and challenging project, trying to keep the design symmetrical by hand. My tattoo teachers loved it. They told me I should find a way to do a bunch and sell 'em.

All the black lines are Sharpie, and the color is plain old acrylic paint. Sorry about the photos; I so need a new camera.

More Celtic knots, which take a while to draw from my lesson book. These were all created with Sharpies, tech pens, and Prismacolor pencils.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another knot

As the title suggests. More practice.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Koi and Celts

Just practice for my tattoo apprenticeship.
Tools: Prismacolor pencil, tech pen, Sharpie.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Practice, practice, practice

*By the way, my title is totally a reference to the Swan Princess. LOL!

Still practicing flash art. The pieces above were copied by hand, not traced over, from my lesson book. I used Prismacolor pencils, a regular Sharpie, and a number of technical pens, like Sakura.

These were traced. The drawings in this post are in latest to earliest order, starting from the top, so the anchors came first. I'm starting to get a handle on where to shade and where not in the designs, reference for when I start creating my own. Also, I've learned that the most important objects in a single design look better when they have a thicker peripheral outline--my vocabulary word of the week. It's very apparent in the "rosy knife" up top there.