Monday, September 20, 2010

My Own Flash

Finally, I'm starting to draw my own designs. This is sort of a revised version of my previous zombie heart. The new one is clearer, with higher contrast.

Really felt like doing a Western cow skull with a rose. Don't know why. Also, I tried to use colors found in sunsets, like the blue shading and the orange rose.

For this heart, I knew that I wanted to do something with flames. So I started brainstorming and doodling. The idea came to me that I could do a purification fire-thingy symbolizing the power of Jesus. His love, the blue flames burn away the black sin on the heart, revealing his forgiveness and mercy--the white cross.

All these babies were done with Prismacolor pencils, tech pens, Sharpie. Not endorsement, just fyi.

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