Saturday, November 22, 2008

Um, these are a couple of sketches for our newest metaphor assignment. I have two more, from different points of view, but Firefox is malfunctioning, and won't let me upload the other file.

We read several articles and made thumbnails for all. Then, we narrowed it down to just one, which will be taken to finish. This particular article was about the overfishing of small fish, like anchovies, to feed people, pigs, and chickens.

More work to come....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

These illustrations are for my Intro to Comp. Graphics class. We're making an illustrated book of the alphabet as a class, so each person has some of their own work and can choose others' work, as well.

I'm proud to say I can spell zucchini.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I think I'm finished with my bad breath editorial illustration. Here's the piece. I feel like I've forgotten something for it, but I can't image what it was.

I also made some girls' totes for the upcoming Holiday Bazaar. I really hope I sell something, because I've never had time to enter anything before this year. I also plan to put in a couple of paintings from my freshman year.

This next piece is for my Computer Graphics class. We've been learning Photoshop and various ways of photo manipulation. For this assignment, we had to create a surreal picture, so I went with a giant chicken eating a car. The chick is my pet Squeaky.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

bad breath and Charlie Brown

This is my large scale drawing for the editorial piece, done at 125% of the final print size. I have no idea how I will be printing it, but we'll see. My apologies for the low quality photo; it's from my cell.

We have also been doing research on illustrators. I picked Bill Watterson, creator of Calvin & Hobbes, as my subject. His main influence was Charles Schulz, who everyone knows as the creator of Peanuts. Then my research took me all the way back to Schulz's main influence Billy DeBeck, creator of Barney Google and Snuffy Smith. Sounds like one of those "Abraham begot Isaac" linage listings in the Bible, huh? I guess that's art for you; none of it is truly "original" and all that.

Here's a work in progress from my Computer graphics class. We're learning photo manipulation in Photoshop. Note: I do not own some of the photographs used, but I'm not making any money off of it anyway.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Editorial assignment

The next project for my Illustration 3 class is to do an editorial illustration based on a reporter's story/notes. We started by making 40 thumbnails, then we picked the best three to become 5"x7" sketches. I posted these in backwards order, but the first picture is the illustration that I plan on taking to full size, 10"x14".

I decided to avoid this one because it is too common a metaphor/image. But I still love the girl's expression.

This one works, but it doesn't have the severity of the first.

These are my thumbnails. A lot of them are just variations of a particular theme, and every so often I switched themes. I feel that this way I can make the most out of each idea. I am also able to weed out the ones that really won't work.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Visual Metaphors

These are a series of visual metaphors made from a specific list of class criteria. I can't explicitly say what they are yet, in case one of my classmates views this. Usually our teacher has us guess the meaning before the artist tells us. That way, we narrow down what works and what doesn't.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

t-shirt finale!

Here's the t-shirt in full vector glory. I used the mesh tool like there was no tomorrow. Might have something to do with the fact that I just love drawing chickens. Who knows? Anyway, I would like to enter it into the ongoing contest, but that's a time-issue. In other words, I may not get around to it, what with the rest of my homework and all.

Our next project is about visual metaphors. I've already done some sketches, which I will post within seven days.

Also, another site to see my work is, my sort of personal blog. I don't update it as frequently, but there is a small gathering of some past pictures worth checking out.

Monday, September 29, 2008

NPDA continued...

These are my swallow heads from scratch to more refined. The last one will also probably need some fine tuning before the final print. I draw the birds and my design partner sticks 'em on the poster, a great division of labor.

I also did a four-page comic for Illustrated Story 2.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

National Portfolio Day Association poster

Erg. I would have pictures of my upcoming project, but apparently blogger doesn't accept pdf format. I will keep this in mind next time.

Anyway, I'm in a three-person group working on a poster entry for the National Portfolio Day Association. Right now I have several rough illustrations that will be used in five mock-up posters, and one will be chosen for my group to take to finish. I would have posted them, except I only scanned them in pdfs. However, I do hope to post them possibly in the near future, if I get a chance to change their format.

Our group is leaning toward a concept involving swallows and their migration patterns. The design will incorperate all of our best skills, and it is probably our strongest concept, as well. I will post the chosen design.

Until next time, America.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


A color sketch for my t-shirt, then what I did with the extra paint.

I'd like to post some of my other work, like from my computer graphics class, but I'm struggling with my older version of Adobe. I'll try and figure it out later.

For now, courage.

I also hope to post some comics soon.

Monday, September 8, 2008

T-shirt winners (sort of)

Here are my final three designs. From here, I'll pick one to recreate in Illustrator. I've chosen the chicken one, a bit from a comic I did last semester. The greatest thing about it is that it needs no text and no explanation. Well, maybe.

The other two are good, but they don't hold the same charm as the chicken. Now all I have to do is come up with the chicken's color scheme.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My first post! T-shirt designs.

Hi, everyone!  This is my first time to have an actual blog, so here goes:

This week our class is working on designing t-shirts.  So far I have 60 thumbnails, and I have about 6 pages of printed designs I found at and various other sites.  I must admit I'm heavily influenced by stuff like tuxedo and bikini t-shirts.  Also, I really love novelty t-shirts that have a funny picture and relating text.  So I built my designs around these two ideas, and here are a couple of quick scans of what I came up with.

They are in pencil and sketchy, so if there's anything you can't figure out, just let me know.