Thursday, September 3, 2009

Looking back

I suppose that underneath it all, I'd like to be a jack-of-all-trades with a comics specialization.
Preferably, I'd have my own comics published, though I'd be open to creating comics for someone else. Drawing comics all day long is a dream for me, and I'd be okay with having a day job while I create my comics. But eventually, I'd want to live off of my art.

a page from Selene, my comic about sirens

My current body of work doesn't directly reflect this, but it's due to the fact that MCA doesn't have a "comics" concentration (major). The school is heavily fine arts-weighted. Still I think that my fine arts roots will help me be a better comic artist. Plus, I'm working on my 13 page comic that I've decided to rename "Fallout," so that will definitely aid in fleshing out my portfolio.

A few semi-random things my portfolio could use:
lettering (for phylacteries)
inking (for the traditional divided labor in the comics industry)
collage (because I've never done it)
more comic pages in general
more "Sunday paper" strips (haven't done many)
politically charged work
scratchboard (because it's awesome)
some Bible scenes
children's book material
wax resist (will be in soon, as "Fallout" progresses)

Yeah, it is a little scattered, but I like doing it all. And that's what counts.

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