Friday, October 23, 2009

Graduation work

Just a couple more sketches of mural ideas for Poplar Point Health and Rehabilitation Center. I think the second one is too much like a Levitra commercial to be accepted.

So this is what my BFA pieces look like so far. I'm still sorting out some things, like number of panels and their sizes, but everything is shaping up nicely. The building piece is going to be full color acrylic on wood. The character lineup (see close-up above) will also be in color, using the wax resist technique I used on the original character sheets. Debating whether to have more than one actual page up, though I think I might be making new panels so that I can put up two, instead.

My teachers approve.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Finished Food Pieces

I've said a lot about these before, and now they're finally finished.

These are some covers I made for a simple book I whipped up for my friend Brian's birthday. The interior pages are my ninja comic from way back.

This is the mural Chihiro and I have been painting in the lobby at Poplar Point Health and Rehabilitation Center. Everyone there seems to really like it, and we even got an offer to do a mural for a person who saw us working. Our school manager suggested that we add more striations in the rocks and make them more realistic. Except for that, I'd say it's pretty well finished. I thoroughly enjoy working on it, especially with Chihiro, because she's such a good friend. Who knows? Maybe this could become a career path...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Slow News Day

Been fighting with school computers trying to post, but I finally figured it out. I think.

This is the finalized version of the Molten Sphinx design. It's rendered completely in Illustrator to avoid raster-image pixelation (forgive my spelling).

Here are my "suspect your food" pieces, improved by limited color on top of black and white acrylic. I plan to scan them in nicely a little bit later. Each one is just a bit larger than an average scanner, so I admit to putting it off until I have to.

Thumbnail for my comic, page 3
70% colored page 1

The vast majority of my time is spent on this comic. I just finished pencils for page 10, but I do have stuff to go back and correct on a couple of pages. I've started copying page 6 onto good-quality paper, and I've barely started coloring. Still, I'm stubbornly trying to finish the whole thing by the end of the semester. Got to get my rear in gear, eh?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finally, back

Finally found a computer I can post from freely. My home computer had a costly demise, anywhere from 120-400 to fix. It's not that much in the grand scheme, but I'm debating whether or not to fix it. Would be nice, though...

Anyway, this is more of my "suspect your food" series.

Both done in black and white acrylic only.

Drawing for the final piece in the series. Because it took me so long to make this post, I've already finished this painting. It'll be in my next post.

These guys are color studies for my comic, which I have renamed once again as "In the Red Forest." "Fallout" is a videogame name.

This is my formed Chupacabra. Upon the advice of several people, I've decided to make a few to sell in the Holiday Bazaar. He's (or she's) a huge hit!

An acrylic painting done for the Bazaar. My love of chickens knows no bounds.

A better picture of my design project. This, too, has undergone revisions, and the newest will be posted next time. Can't wait to see it on stage and packaging!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Well, since Blogger is being difficult today, this is the only picture I could upload. I'm trying to help my friends' band Molten Sphinx by bettering their logo. This particular image is much too dark for some unknown reason, but you get the idea.

Sorry for the delay in posts. I'll have to try another time.