Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finally, back

Finally found a computer I can post from freely. My home computer had a costly demise, anywhere from 120-400 to fix. It's not that much in the grand scheme, but I'm debating whether or not to fix it. Would be nice, though...

Anyway, this is more of my "suspect your food" series.

Both done in black and white acrylic only.

Drawing for the final piece in the series. Because it took me so long to make this post, I've already finished this painting. It'll be in my next post.

These guys are color studies for my comic, which I have renamed once again as "In the Red Forest." "Fallout" is a videogame name.

This is my formed Chupacabra. Upon the advice of several people, I've decided to make a few to sell in the Holiday Bazaar. He's (or she's) a huge hit!

An acrylic painting done for the Bazaar. My love of chickens knows no bounds.

A better picture of my design project. This, too, has undergone revisions, and the newest will be posted next time. Can't wait to see it on stage and packaging!

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