Sunday, October 11, 2009

Slow News Day

Been fighting with school computers trying to post, but I finally figured it out. I think.

This is the finalized version of the Molten Sphinx design. It's rendered completely in Illustrator to avoid raster-image pixelation (forgive my spelling).

Here are my "suspect your food" pieces, improved by limited color on top of black and white acrylic. I plan to scan them in nicely a little bit later. Each one is just a bit larger than an average scanner, so I admit to putting it off until I have to.

Thumbnail for my comic, page 3
70% colored page 1

The vast majority of my time is spent on this comic. I just finished pencils for page 10, but I do have stuff to go back and correct on a couple of pages. I've started copying page 6 onto good-quality paper, and I've barely started coloring. Still, I'm stubbornly trying to finish the whole thing by the end of the semester. Got to get my rear in gear, eh?

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