Sunday, December 20, 2009


I'm thinking about doing a series on mythical creatures. This piece developed from a doodle I did earlier today. Colored in Photoshop.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wrapping Up my Schooling

Lately I've been trying to gather jobs and commissions. I was contacted by a man who liked some of my work at the Holiday Bazaar, but he wasn't able to snatch them up in time. Instead, he asked me to recreate Couch Dogger. Following are the original and the duplicate, in that order. Proportions on screen are not true to reality, as the second painting's cradle was slightly smaller.

I mailed my promotional pieces on Thursday, the 17th. In the upper left is the inside of the envelope; in the upper right is the outside back of the envelope; below those are my art cards and response card. The critique was good, and there were only a few minor problems with the packet.

The cover for my Christmas cards, colored in Photoshop.

Second finished mural at Poplar Point.

After classes ended, I made some more panels in the shop, so look forward to some paintings. Joel suggested that I start on another comic while my chops are up. I also need to clean up the photos of my colored pages, get some good text for them, and send it to Lulu or Blurb for its very first printing ever.

I suppose it still hasn't fully dawned on me that I am done with school. I feel confident that whatever I choose will work out, but at the same time, I am nervous. Everything works out though, and God watches over people. And on a side note, I hope people really think about the true reason for the season, rather than running each other over, looking for the last Gator Golf. Sorry, you'll have to forgive my cynicism.

Have a safe and merry Christmas, everyone!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

MCA Portfolio 2006-2009

My best work, excluding my In the Red Forest work.

Monday, December 7, 2009

BFA show Fall 2009

These are my BFA pieces in the gallery at Rust Hall, Memphis College of Art. The exhibition was Friday, from 5pm to 7pm. It went very well, considering I'm not the shmoozing type. I noticed that people were digging my work, and they would walk across the gallery to stare at my stuff for a few minutes, instead of glancing at it while walking by. A good sign! And so much free cheese. My family came down to see it, as well, and my husband was at my side.

My next post will be my final portfolio, selected from my time at MCA. I am also trying to print some X-mas cards, but at the risk that one of my people will see it on here, I'll post the design after I give them out. Just wait!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Make-up post

These are my babies, Thor and Fonti. They have absolutely nothing to do with this post.

I've always had good success selling my mini-paintings and -drawings, once at the Memphis Minis exhibition, and at both Holiday Bazaars that I've participated in. I do a little picture, fix it to foam core, and make a mat for it.

Unfinished mural at Poplar Point. I've been working with my classmate and friend Chihiro on these. We've been receiving offers to do them in private homes, but currently all those are delayed for the moment.

A bad photo of my completed BFA piece. I will be getting a better one SOON. Mine and my classmates' exhibition opening is this Friday, from 5pm-7pm.

This is a commission I did for a client. From the photos provided, I drew two smaller sketches, drew them again at 6 feet all together, and colored it with acrylic.

At this point, I went over the pencil lines with a China marker aka. litho crayon.

And color!!! Minus the decorative top and bottom segments. Sorry, forgot to get a pic of those.

In conclusion—

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Promo piece beginnings

This weekend I began my promotional mailer assignment for Illustration 5. Our requirements were to make something that could be mailed (duh!), that included a stamped response card, and that contained at least 5 examples of our art. I came up with a rounded sort of envelope, printed on both sides and a response card insert. The first picture below is the outside of the envelope.

Yes, I'm aware that the red tabs are much larger, but they are designed with a bleed. I'll have to cut tabs on the outside, then flip the piece over to know where to cut the other pair.

This is the inside.

And this is the response card (not proportionate to other pieces!), my favorite part of the piece.

Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. With my BFA piece and the holidays, things have been rather busy, but I will have another post soon.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Holiday Bazaar Special (Ed)

So, I put a LOT of stuff in this year's Holiday Bazaar. Some of it was past work that I revamped, like the piece below, and some I've done within the last two weeks.

IPC piece. Acrylic, ready-made DollarTree doll, rhinestones, and dirt on canvas.

New. Real leaves and acrylic paint coated with acrylic matte medium on panel.

New. Markers, colored pencil, watercolor on panel.

A new copy of an old painting I did in high school. Acrylic on panel.

Old, Painting I. Oil on canvas, about 3' x 4', too.

New abstract. Acrylic on panel.

New. These next four photos are shots of a wooden container purchased from Hobby Lobby. It's painted with acrylic, and the "water drops" were created with good, ol' hot glue. On the inside are rhinestones, glitter, and floral stones.

And the drawing I posted last week transformed into this painting. Acrylic on panel. I must say I won't be too sad if it doesn't sell. I love the thing.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Robot chickens and guns

So, ignoring the fact that these are Tom and Jerry strips, this is how my BFA stuff has evolved. Tom and Jerry will be replaced with two amazing pages from my comic. The character lineup is finished and the painting is still at 75-80% done. I've already made all the wooden panels the pieces will be mounted to, and they are ready to go. Now, what's left: I have to choose 2 pages to display. I'm not really sure how to do that, do they need to be in order? Should they show essential plot points? We shall see...

This is my robot chicken I'm working on in Sculpture I. Well, I should say that this is a model made out of foam core and held together by sewing pens, tape, and luck. The jaw moves, and I intend to make the feet and legs posable when I get to them. The final chicken will be constructed with construction insulating foam—you know, the pink or blue stuff that you buy in 4' x 8' sheets at Home Depot. And I'm hoping to make it about 3 or 4 feet tall.

My husband was my model long before I married him. He's always ready to do the most ridiculous things for me. I translated this photo of him into a scene from my Red Forest comic. Sorry the words are whited out; you can't read them until you see the actual book. No spoilers.