Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More Nine and Chupacabras

My acrylic painting of the Nine-Story hotel that will become part of my graduation exhibition late this month. I'd say the painting is about 50-70% finished; I still need to make the building look really grungy and apply shadows.

A bad photo of my character line-up, also for my graduation stuff. This is probably about 95% done, as it may need some touch-ups after critique. I used the wonderfully fun wax resist technique, and I am very pleased with its results.

For the Holiday Bazaar Art Sale, I've been working on sewing multiple stuffed-toy chupacabras with different accent colors, such as different colored arms (upper left corner of box) and eyes (see pics below). They've been an exceptional hit, and I've practically sold all four all ready. Wish I had more time to make more...

Chupis, as I call them, have two sets of eyes, a snake-like tongue, and claws.

Their backs are laced with ribbon, imitating those really hard-core back piercings. Yeah, a chupi can handle it.

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